Where to Turn for Religious Guidance

Pastor Julie Wesley
Pastor Julie grew up in New Orleans, La, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education from the University of New Orleans and taught high school chemistry and physics for twelve years. After moving to Hot Springs with her family, Pastor Julie started working on a Master of Divinity through the Distributed Learning Program at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Mn. She completed seminary and was ordained at Joy in Christ Lutheran Church in February of 2025.
Pastor Julie is energized by new ideas and new ways of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with others. Her deepest desire is for all to know and experience the love of God. Pastor Julie is especially gifted in her imagination and ability to envision how we might share God’s love beyond the walls of the church, with an emphasis on developing relationships in the community built on trust and commitment.
Pastor Julie derives inspiration from a wide variety of music and literature, time spent on the scenic trails of the National Park, and goofing off with her young adult children.
Pastoral Care... and your Family...
When should you call a Pastor?
The word "Pastor" comes from a Latin work that means to "pasture" or "feed." It recalls Jesus as the "Good Shepherd." The Pastor is called to lead his or her people to feed on God's word and be nourished by the sacraments.
There are many times when this happens in daily life or as the congregation gathers for worship. There are other times when special needs require a Pastor to be present for his people. To use Jesus' imagery, those times come when one of the sheep has wandered off, been hurt, experienced fear or crisis or encountered death. These are times when a Pastor's presence is needed most.
The Parish Pastor hears Jesus' words to Peter in the Gospel of John...
"Simon, son of John, do you love me?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Feed my sheep."
When should you call a Pastor?
It is important to call your pastor...
When there is a death in the family.
When a person is seriously ill.
When someone is hospitalized.
When you have received bad news.
When you are distressed.
When you need someone to listen to you.
When you wish to have private confession.
When should you call a Pastor?
There are times when a pastor can be called other than in emergencies.
When you have a life and faith question.
When you have a decision to make.
When you are concerned for someone else.
When you have a concern about parish life.
When you are in need of prayer.
The Pastor Prays for the Congregation.
"I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people," writes the Apostle Paul.
The pastor's life is centered in prayer that he or she may be attentive to Christ's ministry among God's people. Daily, the pastor prays for those in the congregation.
First, to those in crisis and secondly, for all in the parish that God might direct the pastor to bring the Word of God in good season.
"He who does not pray for the flock is not a true shepherd; intercession is as once an obligation of our office and of love."
Wilhelm Lohe
Special Invitations to Your Pastor...
The pastor sees an invitation to your family home as a privilege and regards your invitation as a gift.
Special invitations might be given to the pastor when you celebrate any of life's special circumstances.
Invite the pastor when your family has something special to celebrate such as a Baptism or confirmation.
Invite the pastor if you wish to celebrate Holy Communion in your home and give thanks for a special blessing such as a newborn baby or graduation.
Invite the pastor when someone in your family wishes to be baptized, to bless their marriage, if a decision has been made, or if you wish a house blessing.